Polytechnic University of Catalonia
When presenting our organisation, three different levels are to be taken into account: 1. The main institution of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); 2. The EXPLORATORI of natural resources; 3. The Guillem de Berguedà Secondary School: 1. The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research, specialized in the fields of engineering, architecture and science (31.224 students, 21 Schools).
The activity that goes on at UPC campuses and schools has made the University a benchmark institution. The University harnesses the potential of basic and applied research, and transfers technology and knowledge to society. These actions make the UPC—in partnership with the productive fabric—an agent and driver of economic and social change.
Today, the UPC is characterized by a purposefully open stance towards international students, a wide selection of master’s degree programs in English, with more than 2.000 foreign students from all over the world enrolling each year. 2. The “EXPLORATORI” is a project from the UPC.
The main objective of the project is to bring science closer to secondary school students, their teachers and the society in general. To achieve this goal, the “EXPLORATORI” organizes activities related to scientific and technological topics in line with the STEAM education model (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/All and Mathematics). 3. The Guillem de Berguedà is a Secondary School founded in 1975. Nowadays there are 600 students and a staff of 60 teachers who teach Compulsory Secondary Education, A-Level, Vocational Training, Adult Education and Languages. It is located in Berga, a little town near the Pyrenees situated 50 km from Manresa and 100 km from Barcelona.
Our Science Girls are 14 years old and they are in the 3rd Level of Compulsory Secondary Education.